Industrial Cybersecurity from Tripwire Enterprise

Industrial Cybersecurity from Tripwire Enterprise #outlook a{ padding:0; } body{ width:100% !important;...

52% of Companies Don’t have a Password Vault for Privileged Access – Here’s Your...

Over the first half of 2019, Centrify issued two research reports about the adoption of Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions and the maturity of...

Enabling Faster DDoS Mitigation for Cloud Assets

The cloud journey was considered a visionary approach less than a decade ago. Today, more than half of organizations rely on a cloud provider,...

Imperva Blocks Our Largest DDoS L7/Brute Force Attack Ever (Peaking at 292,000 RPS)

Imagine you’re a developer building a new web application. You’ve followed all of the security best practices, hired a reputable penetration testing company before...

New 3-Second DDoS Mitigation SLA is 3x Faster and the Industry’s Best

Back in 2018, we made waves with a groundbreaking DDoS Mitigation SLA (service level agreement) for our DDoS Protection service that guaranteed to mitigate...

Medical Device Cybersecurity

Medical Device Cybersecurity #outlook a{ padding:0; } body{ width:100% !important; } .ReadMsgBody{...

How to steal a million (of your data)

Any user data — from passwords for entertainment services to electronic copies of documents — is highly prized by intruders. The reason is simply...

How Account Takeover Botnets Outsmart Traditional Security Controls

Account Takeover (ATO) describes when an online account is accessed and/ or used by someone other than its legitimate owner, usually for malicious purposes....

On the IoT road: perks, benefits and security of moving smartly

Kaspersky has repeatedly investigated security issues related to IoT technologies (for instance, here, or here). Earlier this year our experts have even gained foothold...

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Attackers Are Quick to Exploit vBulletin’s Latest 0-day Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Imperva’s Cloud WAF has identified instances of a new 0-day vulnerability being exploited within a matter of hours of the exploit being published. On Monday...

Ransomware: two pieces of good news

“All your files have been encrypted.” How many times has this suddenly popped up on your screen? We hope never, because it’s one of...

A Leader in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAF, Six Years Running

Gartner has published its 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls (WAF) and Imperva has been named a Leader for the sixth consecutive...