DevOps Buyer’s Guide

DevOps Buyer's Guide #outlook a{ padding:0; } body{ width:100% !important; } .ReadMsgBody{...

Turla renews its arsenal with Topinambour

Turla, also known as Venomous Bear, Waterbug, and Uroboros, is a Russian speaking threat actor known since 2014, but with roots that go back...

Cybersecurity Is Everyone’s Job

Cybersecurity Is Everyone's Job #outlook a{ padding:0; } body{ width:100% !important; }...

Hundreds of Vulnerable Docker Hosts Exploited by Cryptocurrency Miners

Docker is a technology that allows you to perform operating system level virtualization. An incredible number of companies and production hosts are running Docker...

Centrify Interns Reflect on a Summer of Zero Trust

Every summer, Centrify gets an infusion of fresh perspectives and eager learners via our Summer Intern program. This summer, we had 22 interns join us...

Developers Versus Automation Engineers: How We Ended the Fighting with the Right CI Process

Hey developers and DevOps professionals: what if I told you that how you wrap and execute your automation tests could be the key to...

Time For Your Compliance Checkup – How Mercy Health Uses Tripwire to Pass Audits

Time For Your Compliance Checkup – How Mercy Health Uses Tripwire to Pass...

Imperva Python SDK – We’re All Consenting SecOps Here

Managing your WAF can be a complicated task. Custom policies, signatures, application profiles, gateway plugins… there’s a good reason ours is considered the best...

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Attackers Are Quick to Exploit vBulletin’s Latest 0-day Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Imperva’s Cloud WAF has identified instances of a new 0-day vulnerability being exploited within a matter of hours of the exploit being published. On Monday...

Ransomware: two pieces of good news

“All your files have been encrypted.” How many times has this suddenly popped up on your screen? We hope never, because it’s one of...

A Leader in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAF, Six Years Running

Gartner has published its 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls (WAF) and Imperva has been named a Leader for the sixth consecutive...