IoT Device Cybersecurity


IoT Device Cybersecurity

ATT&CK Ontology, VM Step 1 and Patch Tuesday

Devices running embedded software exist all around us—and industries across the board are accruing these IoT devices faster than they can keep up with securing them. The rise of such devices stands to benefit the quality and efficiency of products and services in smart grid, manufacturing, retail, critical infrastructure, and more. The market for industrial IoT (IIoT) alone is projected to hit $123 billion by 2021.

Tripwire supports manufacturers of connected devices and organizations that utilize them by providing rigorous security assessments. Tripwire’s device testing approach includes identifying security risks and vulnerabilities that may exist in the physical construction of the device and its network interfaces. Our goal is to identify potential control exposures through security configuration analysis and vulnerability testing of the platform and the operating environment. Tripwire analyzes the security configuration of the operating system.

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VERT Threat Alert: July 2019 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Patch Tuesday VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s July 2019 security updates.

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ATT&CK Structure Part II: From Taxonomy to Ontology

ATT&CK is tremendously valuable because it gives us a classification of our knowledge of adversarial behavior to better communicate, collaborate, account for and reason about the domain in a scientific manner.

A formal ontology is valuable for much the same reasons, but ontology goes beyond classification. It enables us to build large repositories of knowledge in a machine-readable language.

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Climbing the Vulnerability Management Mountain: Gearing Up and Taking Step One

Now it is time to start planning the trip up vulnerability mountain.

We define some of the terms we will be using so we speak the same language. Then take a look at how to take the first step on the journey towards vulnerability management excellence.

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