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Tripwire FIM for Comprehensive Integrity Management


Tripwire FIM for Comprehensive Integrity Management

FIM isn't just for files anymore!

Shifting language can be difficult, but it’s more appropriate to talk about Integrity Management in regards to today’s technology landscape. Integrity Management provides an umbrella approach to managing risk in an environment. There are four basic steps to ensuring integrity:

  • Secure deployment
  • System baseline
  • Change monitoring
  • Change remediation

This white paper, authored by Tripwire VP of Product Management and Strategy Tim Erlin, will help you broaden your understanding of integrity beyond data. Not only is integrity foundational—Integrity Management just might be the way to make information security successful.

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How DevOps and CIS Security Controls Fit Together

At this point, the Center for Internet Security’s Security Controls are an industry standard for technical cyber security. The first six basic controls can prevent 85 percent of the most common cyber attacks, and even though the controls have been developed with traditional data centers and process in mind, there is no reason they can’t be adapted to DevOps.


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The Sky is Falling! No Wait, That's Just Our Data in the Cloud!

Back in the good old days, we used to have to order physical servers to run our applications. When servers became too expensive, we found efficiency in virtualization. Why have one box running one server when I could have 10 or more on a single box? Who would have thought I could simply push a button and have a server ready in minutes as opposed to weeks?

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Three Ways to Secure Legacy Infrastructure

It is a well-known fact that legacy equipment shall continue to play a crucial role in the continuity and stability of critical infrastructure, especially in industrial control systems. A recent Center for Digital Government survey found that 70% of respondent agencies depend on legacy infrastructure for their operations.


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